David Hallahan

David Hallahan is the Chief Scientist at Entomol Products.

David is interested in household pest control, stored product pest control using repellents, and aphid control in greenhouses.

David will be speaking about catmint essential oils as feedstock for a range of insect control products. He is hoping to form valuable connections and engage with other IPM members to discuss ideas and potential repellent solutions.

Owen Jones

Owen Jones is the Managing Director at Lisk and Jones Consultants

Owen is participating in a Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funded project at The School of Chemistry, Cardiff University where he is an honorary professor. The project aims to identify new long range floral attractants for Malaria vector species of mosquitoes.

Owen's IPM talk will focus on the role of semiochemicals in lure and kill approaches for the control mosquitoes and sandflies. By attending the symposium, he is hoping to make new contacts for collaborative projects and possibly gain new clients for his consultancy business.

Rachid Bouharroud

Rachid Bouharroud is an Entomologist and Head of R&D unit at INRA-Morocco (National Institute of Agricultural Research), regional center of Agadir.

His research work is focused on integrated pest management of key pests of tomato, citrus, argan and recently cactus pear and red fruits. His research topics are: biopesticides using plants and bacteria-based extracts, biological control, side effects on non-targets, management of climate inside greenhouse and cultural practices.

The most prestigious award in Morocco, which is the Hassan II Prize for innovation and research in the agricultural field, was obtained in 2021 for selection of resistant cultivars to the carmine cochineal and nominated as a national coordinator of Moroccan research plan related to cactus crops (2021-2024).

As advisor, he supervised 7 PhD students and more than 100 master/undergraduate students from Morocco, Tunisia (ISA Chott-Mariem), Senegal (Univ Thiès), France (Univ Rennes 1), Italy (CIHEAM-Bari) and USA (Univ Minnesota). He’s a part time lecturer at IAV-Hassan II teaching pests of vegetables, fruit trees and IPM, in addition to, field trainings for farmers. He has published 105 peer-reviewed papers (69 Scopus), 6 book chapters and more than 140 conference papers. He managed 6 funded research projects as a principal investigator and team member in 8 other projects.

Richard Ian Samuels

Richard Ian Samuels is an Entomologist/Insect Pathologist, who has been working at UENF since 1996 as an associate professor.

His research focuses on the use of entomopathogenic fungi to control a range of crop pests (for example: leaf-cutting ants) and disease-vectoring insects, such as Aedes aegypti. He is a CNPq level 1 Research Fellow (Federal Brazilian Government) and a Rio State Scientist (FAPERJ). He is the founder and head of the UENF Insect Pathology Group and is also responsible for the UENF Dengue Research Unit as well as the Myrmecology Unit.

His recent projects include the development of an accessible fungus-impregnated mosquito trap in collaboration with the start-up MosquiTec Ltd. (www.mataaedes.com.br). This trap will be the subject of one of his talks at New IPM 2024. The other talk will describe the use of endophytic entomopathogenic fungi to protect tomato plants in the field as well as the role of these endophytic fungi in stimulating plant growth. These are very different topics but show the versatility of entomopathogenic fungi and real-world applications.