German Studies

German has a long-established reputation at Swansea and can be studied either post-A level or from beginner’s level on our two single honours BA programmes and a range of joint honours combinations.

In BA Modern Languages, you can study German by itself or in combination with French, or Spanish. You choose from options including Berlin in the Twentieth Century and Underground Vienna, as well as modules in translation, second language teaching, introductory modules to Italian, Portuguese and Catalan, and, in your final year, a dissertation. We have partnerships with the following German universities where you can spend your year abroad: Augsburg, Bamberg, Mannheim, Regensburg, and Würzburg. You can also work as a British Council Language Assistant or take a work placement.

In BA Modern Languages, Translation and Interpreting you take German either by itself or in combination with another language. In addition, you will take specialist modules such as Computer-Assisted Translation, Simulated Translation Bureau, Concepts in Translation and Interpreting, as well as Terminology Management. During your year abroad, you will practice Translation and Interpreting at institutions selected from our list of prestigious partners: these include universities based in Cologne, Innsbruck, Mainz, and Zurich.

All students of German can take part in the weekly Sprachcafé and join the University German Society.

You can specialise in German on the MA degrees in Translation and Interpreting and Professional Translation, which also have options of internships and study abroad. We currently have two research students writing projects on German topics in the Research Centre for Contemporary German Culture (CCGC).