Successful applicants to select healthcare sourses at Swansea University will be asked to attend an interview. All interviews will take place via Zoom, telephone, or in person, with a course lecturer or member of the admissions team.  

Why do I need to have an interview? 

Each year, throughout the application cycle, we interview applicants for many of our courses including Nursing, Healthcare Science, Paramedic Science, Pharmacy, Occupational Therapy, Operating Department Practitioner, Midwifery, Osteopathy and Social Work.

Your interview is a chance for us to see that you not only have the academic qualities required for the course, but that you have a good understanding of your future profession, and that you can confidently discuss topics related to your application.  

Don’t panic! 

We do not want you to worry about your interview – our academic and admissions staff are friendly and approachable, and will be on hand throughout the interview to support you in any way needed. We have created this short ‘top tips’ guide to let you know what to expect from your interview, and how you can best prepare 

Top Tips

1. Be prepared

Before the date of your interview, it’s best to do some research – we would recommend having answers to some of the following questions: 

  • Why do you want to study this course? 
  • What makes you a good candidate?  
  • What do you know about the profession?  
  • What do you know about current affairs in healthcare? 

You may not be asked  these questions specifically, but being able to answer these questions will give you a great head start to feeling confident for your interview. You may also wish to write down any questions you may have ahead of time.  

student reading paper documents in front of a laptop

2. Demonstrate Relevant Experience

This does not have to be work experience, and could be gained through your day-to-day life, for example as a parent or carer, through volunteering or school projects. Be ready to share any experience that relates to your course or demonstrates key attributes needed for your future profession, such as teamwork, problem solving or communication skills. 

Student examining a patient's eye under the watch of a medical supervisor

3. Practise your communication skills

Communication is key in any interview – our interviews are question and answer-based, so make sure that you can comfortably hold a conversation, listen well, and show your personality to the interviewers.  

student sitting at a table talking with other students

4. Dress appropriately

Put your best foot forward and dress appropriately. Even if your interview takes place via Zoom, we would still recommend dressing as you would for an in-person interview. 

student in shirt over laptoip

5. Test your tech

If your interview is taking place via Zoom or telephone, we would recommend giving yourself time to set-up your laptop/screen at a quiet and private location. Test your internet or telephone connection, and make sure that you are in a comfortable spot.  

student sat with a laptop on her lap

And remember to relax and take your time. We know that interviews can be a daunting  experience – feel free to ask the interviewer to repeat a question you did not hear, or ask for more information if you do not understand. The interview is our chance to meet you and learn more about your passion for the course!

2025 Interviews

For September 2025 entry, interviews may take place in person or via telephone or video call. 

We wish you the best of luck for your interview. If you have any questions about your interview, or your application, please get in touch at