Our Research Highlights

We are delighted to have achieved 100% world-leading and internationally excellent ratings in impact, showing that we as a department are dedicated to embedding real-world impact in everything we do. 90% of our research is world-leading and internationally excellent, with an increase in number of our world-leading publications.

Our Vision

Our ethos is to pursue research that matters in the long term, inspiring students and encouraging them to help change the world.

Our Environment

Our academic community is thriving, conducting distinctive cutting-edge research across Theory, Human Computer Interaction, Visual Computing and Security. We have grown our category A headcount from 22 (REF2014) to 33. We have 15 early career research (ECR) staff that took up their first posts as independent researchers with Swansea since 2016. We provide an environment that develops, shapes, and promotes ECRs. We have recently located the £32.5m purpose built Computational Foundry on the new £420m Bay campus and through developing projects such as the Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) and Challenging Human Environments and Research Impact for a Sustainable and Healthy Digital Economy (CHERISH-DE) we have been able to promote our ambition to encourage ECRs to become future leaders, place Computer Science at the heart of a truly multidisciplinary landscape and promote responsible research. 

Our Outputs

Since 2014 our researchers have published over 500 articles, with over 70 appearing in top 10% journals. This has led to a field citation impact 23% higher than the global average. Over 250 articles involved international collaboration and over 50 had industrial or clinical co-authors. 

Our Impact

We have a strong record of disciplinary and interdisciplinary collaborative research. Since 2014, 80% of our research outputs involve a collaborator from outside Swansea, and 70% result from an international collaboration. Our field-weighted citation is 1.3 which is above average in the discipline. 14.3% of our publications are among the top 10% of most cited publications worldwide and 18.4% of publications are in the top 10% of journals approved.

Our Community

Meet the computer science staff and post-graduate community