Beetle on flowers
Person smiling

Dr Wendy Harris

Associate Professor, Biosciences

Email address

Office - 113
First Floor
Margam Building
Singleton Campus
Available For Postgraduate Supervision


I am an ecologist and entomologist with specific interests in equipping our students and the public with an understanding of the ecological roles and value of insects in ecosystem functioning.

Areas Of Expertise

  • Entomology
  • Applied ecology
  • Plant-insect relationships
  • Ecological monitoring
  • Bat ecology
  • Conservation
  • Citizen science and outreach

Career Highlights

Teaching Interests
Photospheres during editing

As a field ecologist I am able to share my love for the natural world during field courses and as Head of Zoology, I co-ordinate the level 5 Zoology field course. I also contribute to level 6 Professional Skills in Conservation field course and level 7 Tropical Ecology and Conservation field trip to Borneo.

My teaching research centres around developing interactive methods to support students to increase their performance and develop a critical approach, especially using technology to facilitate and augment learning.

Research Collaborations