Systematic Physical Examination of the Newborn, SHMM06, FHEQ

Course Details

This module has been developed to prepare registered clinicians, directly involved with the care of the neonate, to undertake the systematic physical examination of the newborn. The module has been developed in accordance with the current UK newborn and infant physical examination (NiPE) standards.

The systematic physical examination of the newborn screening tool is a skill that more and more midwives find to be a crucial asset to their already well-established knowledge base. Midwives who successfully acquire this qualification can provide the women they care for with an improved continuity of care whilst simultaneously supporting a more holistic approach. Midwives are unique in their ability to recognise deviations from the normal and are therefore arguably best placed to undertake this important aspect of screening for babies and their families.

Course Level

FHEQ (what does this mean?)

Who should attend?

Qualified Midwives, Health Visitors, GP’s, Neonatal Nurses.


September and March


50 hours (10 study days) and 35 hours placement


Objective Structured Clinical Examination, Portfolio


Please contact us for course fees.


Singleton Campus

How To Apply

Please contact CPD


Eleanor Healer