Ayo Fadahunsi

Ayo Fadahunsi

United Kingdom
MSc Physics

Some students come to Swansea University because it ranks especially high on the league table for Student satisfaction. Here is my brief explanation of why I think it is best university ever in two parts.

Before attending Swansea:
After visiting Swansea University for an Open Day after my A levels I thought it was the right choice for me for two reasons.

The experience I had speaking to general staff around my campus throughout the day especially the fact that I was handled directly by my future lecturers. I was given a personal tour of the Physics department by a future lecturer after which I spent an hour or so speaking to a group of physics lecturers who were so ‘normal’ I was shocked and attracted – I thought immediately this place must be for me? And I need not speak of the beauty of Swansea, you can see this yourself.

This combined with the fact that my course was offered with a year abroad among other options to study abroad sealed the deal for me (I’m writing this from the University of Vienna library where I am studying and living for a year as an exchange student).

Cliche to say this as a current student but Swansea University has exceeded my expectation from a university. I will mention some non-academic activities I have recently taken part in which were ARRANGED AND FULLY OR PARTIALLY FUNDED by Swansea University because they have been especially flamboyant.
Let me demonstrate:

  • I am currently studying for one year in Vienna, Austria as a part of my degree – arranged and funded by the university.
  • I spent the summer of 2023 in Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam where I interned for a structural engineering company - arranged and partially funded by the university. During this period, I got a chance to visit many other south Asian countries including China, Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia.
  • Offered a postgraduate role in my host company in Vietnam when I finish my degree due to my internship there in 2023.
  • Visited CERN, Switzerland/France in April 2023 – arranged by the Physics Society + Physics department and partially funded.
  • I work for the university as an ambassador, representing the university in events such as open days to give the same experience I was given when I visited, calling campaigns to help handle clearing and many more opportunity all which I am paid for!
  • For four semesters, I have been a part of the Physics mentoring scheme where I go into a secondary school in Wales about once a week during the school term to help mentor year 10 students – arranged by the university Physics department.
  • In the process of setting up a summer 2024 volunteering opportunity in Nepal.

These are examples of opportunities I have taken part in over the last two years. All these opportunities have essentially been provided to me by Swansea University and I am eternally grateful.

My ‘Swansea experience’ has simply been ‘garnering life experience’. I have now travelled far and wide, made lifelong friends amongst staff, lecturers, classmates, housemates, locals at home and abroad in my adventures. I am no longer the person I was before starting my degree at Swansea University.

Do you participate in a Swansea University sports team/club?
Yes, I am a competitive Olympic Weightlifter - normally competing nationally for team England and for Swansea University during BUCS and club level competitions but I currently competing for Austria for the next six months while I live here.